There are two mechanisms for administering discipline whenever a player, team official, match official, or administrator has been cautioned (received a yellow card), dismissed (received a red card) OR reported for an Ontario Soccer misconduct (See Procedure 9.0)
Discipline By Review (DBR)
Discipline By Hearing (DBH)
DBR decisions may not be appealed
Deciding if You Should Request a Hearing
Take the Following Steps:
The referee will have listed a reason using a dismissal code in the R column on the game sheet. If this code is missing, or if you would like to confirm the reason for the dismissal before the dismissal report is made available to your Club and Team Official online then contact the EOSL within 48 hours.
Following each game the Match Official's dismissal report is made available on the EOSL website to the Team Officials and the Club. The reason for the dismissal as well as a description of the incident(s) will be included.
Note that Dismissals will be passed on to the District Association if the dismissal was for Match Official assault or involves issues related to registration. If it has been sent to the District, you should contact Eastern Ontario Soccer.
2. Determine if you Agree or Disagree with the Dismissal
If you disagree with the charge and/or Referee’s report you can request a hearing. Requesting a hearing is done by submitting a Request in writing which can be emailed to the EOSL office. The Request must be accompanied by the $100.00 request for hearing fee, which can be paid by etransfer to You have 72 hours from the time you received the report to make the request.
If you agree with the dismissal and the referee report don't request a hearing and the associated penalty will be applied as outlined in the Ontario Soccer Discipline Policy. At this time there is nothing you need to do except wait to find out your penalty. If there is a suspension you will be notified through your Club which games you are suspended for.
Discipline FAQ
Who Can Be Disciplined?
Disciplinary action may be taken against a player, Team Official, Match Official, Administrator or EOS Member who is registered with Ontario Soccer or a person acting in the role of a registrant.
What Discipline matters fall under the jurisdiction of the District?
Red Cards in which the offence was 'directed at the Game Official(s)' fall under the jurisdiction of EOS. Such offences are subject to the DBR System.
All misconduct types relating to registration of players, team officials & club administrators fall under the jurisdiction of EOS.
All misconduct by a Match Official falls under the jurisdiction of the District Association in which the game official is registered .
Requesting a New Hearing
Those who wish to request another hearing after failing to attend a hearing when required to do so, must submit a written request together with the required $100.00 request for hearing fee to EOSL.
How do I postpone a hearing that has already been scheduled?
Any party required to attend a hearing may request one (1) postponement of that hearing
The party must submit a Request for Postponement, in writing, to the EOSL or EOS and must state the reason for requesting the postponement. The Request for Postponement must be received no later than four (4) days prior to the date of that hearing and must be accompanied by the correct Request for Postponement Fee of $250.00.
The EOSL shall have full discretion to refund the Request for Postponement Fee if sufficient reason warrants such action.
What if I don't show up to my scheduled hearing?
Failure of an accused to attend their hearing will result in the immediate suspension of the accused and fines shall be imposed as per the published EODSL Fines. The suspension will continue to be in effect until the accused appears before the Disciplinary Committee.
Who Can Attend a Hearing?
The accused must attend a hearing. Individuals under 18 must have an adult Advisor with them at the hearing. Anyone representing an accused must provide a signed proxy from the accused before being allowed to participate at the hearing. Witnesses may be required to attend a hearing.
Adviser - a person of 18 years of age or older who provides advise to any party required to attend a Discipline Hearing or to the Discipline Hearing Panel. An accused less than eighteen years of age must be accompanied by an adult, who shall act as an adviser, failing which the hearing will not proceed and the accused shall be suspended until the hearing is held.
Observer - is permitted to attend a Discipline Hearing in order to ensure that a specific party receives a fair and constitutional hearing. Each party required to attend a hearing is entitled to have a maximum of 2 observers.
Club Representative - Each Club is entitled to send a representative to a Discipline Hearing at which one of its players, coaches or administrators has been charged with a Misconduct Type. A Club Representative may serve as an adviser.
Witness - Each party required to attend a Discipline Hearing is entitled to bring witnesses. Witnesses must appear in person. Written reports by witnesses are not acceptable. There is no limit to the number of witnesses but they must be able to add new testimony and the panel has the right to limit the number if the testimony is repetitious.
Can I appeal the decision made at a hearing?
Except for discipline decisions rendered under the D.B.R. System, any party directly affected by a decision has the right to appeal that decision, in accordance with their Rights of Appeal.
The timelines for appealing a decision shall only go into effect after the affected party has received a written copy of both the decision and the “Rights of Appeal Information”. The discipline decision shall remain in effect pending the result of the appeal.