Eastern Ontario Soccer League

League Operations

The EODSA has contracted E2E Soccer to run the daily league operations. You can reach the league at league@eosoccer.ca once the season begins (we will notify you when to start using this email address for league inquiries). League preparation will be done by EOS staff.


$340.00 per District and Development team

$410.00 per Regional team

Application Deadline:

February 27th for Regional teams - Teams won't 'register'. The EODSA will invoice.

March 25th for District and Development

Late entries may be accepted with the approval of the League and will be charged at $100.00 per team to a maximum of $500.00

Team Withdrawal Deadlines:

EOSL - Regional

February 14th. Late entries may be accepted with the approval of the League and will be charged at $100.00 per team to a maximum of $500.00

Withdrawals from February 15th and March 15th - forfeit the team entry fee

Withdrawals from March 16th and April 15th - fine of double the team entry fee

Withdrawals from April 16th to and later, fine of $1500.00

EOSL - District and Development

Withdrawals from March 26th to April 15th - forfeit the team entry fee

Withdrawals from April 16th until scheduling has begun - fine of double the team entry fee

Withdrawals once scheduling has started - $1000.00

Teams withdrawing from the District League to take a Regional position will receive a full refund.

**NEW** - A team that transfers to a different division once scheduling has started will be fined $500.00