Eastern Ontario Soccer League

Reschedule Policy

EOSL Game Reschedule Policy

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The EOSL has scheduled a league-wide 2-week break over the last week of July through the first week of August. During the two-week break, if two teams agree, they may request that a rescheduled game be played during the break. Teams must also have their Club’s approval to do this.

Teams may also request two additional black-out periods; 1 of 1 day, and 1 of 4 days maximum. This date must be submitted using the provided method, and before April 10th.

Late requests will not be considered.

Permitted reasons to use a black out request:

  • Out-of-district tournament travel (approved ATF required)
  • Ontario Cup travel
  • Graduation week (Graduation program required)
  • Exam week (Exam schedule required)
  • Statutory holiday

All other games will be played as scheduled except:
a) At the discretion of the referee, postponement is necessary due to bad weather or field conditions.
Ontario Soccer Adverse Weather Guidelines must be followed.

b) A weather warning is broadcast for the area in which the game is scheduled to be played, and the travel time for the away team exceeds 60 minutes one way, and the away team brings this to the attention of the league by no later than 14:00 for a weekday game.

c) A game is postponed at the discretion of the League. This includes discretion to reschedule games between teams over 120 kms away from each other (using Club office addresses).

d) The Referee does not appear within 20 minutes of the scheduled kick-off time and no other Ontario Soccer registered, certified and eligible Referee, agreed to by both Teams’ Officials is available to replace them.

e) A field is closed by a Municipality or venue owner. Note: this is not for Clubs to cancel games but the owners of the facilities, typically the City or Municipality.

f) At the sole discretion of EOSL Management

Process for Setting the Rescheduled Game Date/Time
The rescheduled game shall be rescheduled within 14 days of the approval of the request to reschedule and must be played before the division end-of-season date. If the request for reschedule is for either of a team’s last regularly scheduled game, the rescheduled game must be played before the originally scheduled game date
The League Administrator will notify the club and team contacts of any re-scheduled game